1993 Rolex Day-Date President ref. 18238 “Champagne Dial”
Views: 539
Please note if you use PayPal as form of payment: due to its recent policy change, PayPal no longer refunds sellers their transaction fees. This fee is 2.9% for US domestic transactions and 3.9% for international. This forces us to unfortunately have a restocking fee of 3% or 4% if you decide to return the watch. There is no restocking fee if your payment method is bank wire transfer.
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PLEASE NOTE! If you are using PayPal/Credit Card as a form of payment, we cannot refund the processing fee of 3% if you decide to return the watch. New PayPal policy states that they will no longer refund the fee they take from us even if the watch is returned and transaction is reversed. Again, if you pay by PayPal or Credit Card (which is processed by PayPal) and decide to return the watch, you will be getting a refund in amount 3% less than what you originally pay.